Dementia Care

Most of the time, people with dementia will need specialist dementia care services. For some, this involves moving into a residential care facility, and for others, it means investing in dementia home care. Caring for dementia is not an easy task, even when you are a close family member. However, with the right support, those with dementia can remain as independent as possible in a life that stays active and fulfilled.

Homecaring is an established dementia care service that improves the options for those with dementia to remain in their home. Dementia home care is often overlooked, as people have an incorrect assumption that it would be too difficult to manage. What you need is the right dementia carer on your side to help you to stay as independent and happy as possible. It’s one of the best options for many families, and it can be a welcome relief for those afraid of losing their independence.

Dementia Care, Central Coast

It’s essential to understand dementia and its effects before you opt for the right dementia care Australia. Dementia is the term used or a range of symptoms and conditions that affect the brain and impair the memory of the sufferer. The neurons inside the brain communicate with each other with chemical signals, and if someone has dementia these neurons are damaged, and the ability for them to communicate diminishes.

With the right dementia care, you and your relative have the proper support needed to continue to live at home. Our carers are well-trained and ready to work to the routine that is best for you and your needs. At Homecaring, our professionals aim to help you to maintain your independence and stay as calm as possible as dementia progresses. Homecaring wants to offer you the highest standard of care around, which is why we ensure all of our carers are highly trained in all aspects of dementia care.

It doesn’t matter whether you need someone to check in on your loved one once a day, or you need round the clock care considered, you should call Homecaring today. We can offer your loved one safety, security and the help you need when you need it. Other areas our experts can support you with include:

  • Medication support
  • Mobility Help
  • Assistance with social interaction, activities and hobbies in the community
  • Meal preparation and domestic care

If you have a loved one who is struggling with completing their daily tasks, you need to learn how you can support them. Their regular schedule and familiarity with their routine is so important, and our expert carers can support their care as much as possible. Dementia is a condition that deteriorates over time, and as that happens, more support may be required. It’s important to keep up to date with their health so that you can match the support necessary.

What Is Dementia?

Did you know that dementia has recently overtaken cancer as the illness that is most feared for the over 55’s? The thing is, many don’t realise that dementia is just an umbrella word for a range of progressive disorders. Dementia is a collection of symptoms that cause a long term gradual decrease in the ability of the person to think and remember to carry out usual, routine tasks. The brain becomes damaged when the nerve cells are impaired or lost, and this is when dementia arises. The symptoms of dementia include:

Loss of Memory

Short term memory is affected with dementia, which is why routine goes off track, and item misplacement occurs.

Issues with Communication

Individuals with dementia find it hard to describe certain things, with general words failing the person who is trying to think of how to reply to a question.

Changes in Mood

Clients with dementia offer display symptoms of depression and anger and are quick to temper.


This is dependent on the type of dementia that the person is suffering.

Types of Dementia

There are varying types of dementia, and it’s important to understand which type you or your loved one are suffering with before you start a care plan with Homecaring. The types of dementia include:


The most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s is said to affect just under a million people. It can be diagnosed with plaques between the dying cells in the brain. The tissues in the brain have fewer nerve cells, and these connections lead to the brain shrinking, with the first signs usually being a loss of memory. Forgetfulness is the first sign of deterioration in the brain.

care for dementia patients

Alzheimer’s Symptoms Include

  • Getting lost in usually familiar places
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Speech and language issues
  • Issues remaining mobile without assistance
  • Requiring help with self-care
  • Changes in personality

Vascular Dementia

A common form of dementia, vascular dementia affects almost 250,000 people. It happens with the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, and this occurs as a result of a narrowing in the small blood vessels. This can be caused by a stroke, whether a single large one or a transient ischaemic attack. There are many early warning signs, and some of these include:

  • Slight slowness when it comes to reactions and thinking
  • Difficulty making and sticking to plans
  • Language and communication issues
  • Attention lapses
  • Concentration problems
  • Behavioural issues

If you notice any of these signs becoming an issue, then you need to speak to your doctor right away. Your doctor can put you in touch with services such as Homecaring, who can be supportive of your treatment and care in the home.

Dementia with Lewy Bodies

Another common form of dementia, Lewy bodies are small lumps of circular protein that develop within the cells of the brain. These then cause dementia symptoms. It’s very closely related to Parkinson’s disease, where the brain is damaged over time. It displays in physical symptoms first, with involuntary shaking, stiffness in the muscles and slower movements. As well as this, those with dementia with Lewy bodies often have issues with judgement and memory. Those with Alzheimer’s disease have difficulty concentrating, but they’ll also experience symptoms like:

  • Slower movement
  • Stiffer limbs
  • Tremors
  • Recurrent hallucinations
  • Interrupted sleep at night
  • Possible fainting
  • Unsteadiness on the feet
  • Falling

Those who have dementia with Lewy bodies swing between being alert to staring into space. Changes like this can be unpredictable, and they can happen at any time throughout the day.

What Causes Dementia?

Gradual changes in the brain cause dementia. The losses and impairment of nerve cells cause those changes, and these usually build up due to proteins that shouldn’t be there. It can also be caused by strokes and other diseases like Huntington’s disease, which also causes the cells in the brain to degenerate. It’s a disease that is far more common in the Western world where people live longer.

Homecaring: Independence & Dignity At Home

At Homecaring, we believe in total dignity being maintained for our customers. We think that every single person has the right to a high-quality of life, and we offer a person-centred care approach that is managed and flexible, setting a high standard of expected care. At Homecaring, we know how important it is to have support from family and friends as well as a comprehensive care plan, and we will work with you to ensure your family are well-trained in dementia care. This enables you to enjoy time together as a family while enjoying the right support from our team.

Why Choose Homecaring

Our clients and their families are the most important thing to us, and looking after you all is vital to our successful care plans being met. We are compassionate, professional and offer a service that is sensitive to the needs of a patient dealing with dementia. Our experts are highly trained and ready to support you and your family through your care. We want to help you to live longer, live smarter and be as comfortable as possible throughout your life. We have an accredited service with over 20 years of experience in management. Homecaring also has a 100% quality rating. Our service from our dedicated team is skilled and professional, and we have the flexibility and knowledge to be completely responsive to your needs.

Contact Us Today

Homecaring offers professional Australian home care services that make sense for you and your family in the form of a plan that suits you. From the very first point of contact with us, you will be speaking with a team member who is keen to help you to get the service that you need the most. We can assist you with government-funded services, and we can talk you through a switch from a current provider to our home caring services for dementia. Take the time to contact us today, and one of our friendly professionals will be more than happy to assist you with your care plan and your needs.